Keep Capture Winners
Albion - Jynnxx, the Heretic, with 174 capturesMidgard - Ciannie, the Huntress, with 210 captures
Hibernia - Commanderling, the Enchanter, with 472 captures
Overall - Commanderling, the Enchanter
Solo Kill Winners
Albion - Kenco, the Infiltrator, with 418 solo killsMidgard - Sixed, the Shadowblade, with 775 solo kills
Hibernia - Roxzie, the Valewalker, with 510 solo kills
Overall - Sixed, the Shadowblade
Skill Index Winners
Midgard - Interqqlolz, the Healer, with a score of 51,860
Hibernia - Farmacist, the Bard, with a score of 68,150
Overall - Farmacist, the Bard
Each winner above will have a statue built in their likeness in their realm's capital city! These statues should be completed within the next few weeks and will grant players who pay homage to them a rewarding quest!
In addition to the above winners, we would also like to congratulate the top 10 winners in each realm, for each category, who will receive a 15 year anniversary poster (90 winners total)!
Each of the top 10 winners will receive an email requesting the address they'd like the poster delivered to - please follow the email's instructions carefully!
If an account has multiple winning characters in the top 10 of multiple categories, the highest placed character among all of the categories will win the poster and the rest will be passed over as only 1 poster per account will be sent out. This means that some of those that finished just outside the top 10 could yet win a poster!
If you won, or even if you're close to winning, please ensure that your account's email address is up to date with a valid, working email and be sure to keep an eye on your spam filter over the next week: if we don't get a reply, we can't send you your poster!
Congratulations again to everyone and thank you all for participating!